Archive for January, 2011

pr samurai 2001-2004 spoilers / return of the joker blu-ray

January 27, 2011

BurgundyRanger has come through again with the full February schedule for the first four episodes of Power Rangers Samurai. On Monday February 7th at 8PM ET, “The Team Unites” in the 18th season premiere on its new home Nickelodeon. Then the series’ new episodes will move to Sundays at Noon ET with “Deal With A Nighlok” on February 13th, “Day Off” on February 20th and “Sticks & Stones” on February 27th. Check out the spoiler descriptions too:

February 7th 2011 8PM ET — PRS Episode 2001: “The Team Unites”
Mike figures out the hard way what it means to be a Samurai Ranger after a Nighlok attacks him and his friends.

February 13th 2011 12PM ET — PRS Episode 2002: “Deal With A Nighlok”
The Rangers step in when a devious Nighlok tricks a young boy into giving up on his baseball dreams.

February 20th 2011 12PM ET — PRS Episode 2003: “Day Off”
Struggling to master a secret power disc, Jayden foregoes a trip with the others to an amusement park, where the rest of the team encounters the evil Nighlok Dreadhead.

February 27th 2011 12PM ET — PRS Episode 2004: “Sticks & Stones”
When a Nighlok who uses insults as a physical weapon to attack the Rangers, only Emily is unaffected. To help her teammates, she explains how difficult events in life become an opportunity to grow stronger.

Looking forward to that! And now thanks to Warner Home Video, I’m also looking forward to the Blu-ray release of Batman Beyond: Return Of The Joker on April 5th. The back cover plainly states it will be the uncut PG-13 version of the movie, but it also says it’ll be in full screen. Ew. I hope it doesn’t end up being non-anamorphic widescreen like on the uncut DVD (which stated full screen on its back cover as well), or there’ll no doubt be bitching about bars on all four sides. :/

PSP! / preparing to crash

January 22, 2011

You may have noticed that I recently purchased a PSP. I’ve been wanting one for years but could never really afford it. But then I discovered that I had access to $110 in Best Buy funds via my bank’s debit card points ($50 gift card) and the Reward Zone program (a $60 certificate thanks to a promotion). I put both of those together and ordered one on since my usual store didn’t have a PSP in stock. :/ But the free standard shipping I got with my Reward Zone account ended up being UPS Ground, so yay.

It arrived within two days of ordered.. and then I didn’t really have much to do with it really. I was excited about finally being able to play audio & video on a portable device. But because I bought a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo beforehand instead of a Duo, the video playback was very selective. I deleted maybe 3/4 of the video files I had put on it just because they weren’t supported or “corrupted”. Some that didn’t work were MP4s, while the three that did.. are also MP4s. O_o And even though PSP games are cheap, I think I’ll have to wait until next month before I get my first one. I’m low on funds for the rest of this month now and there’s still a disc or two to buy.. I have played a few demos though. LittleBigPlanet &.. Dead Or Alive Paradise seem promising IMO (yeah, I’m a pervert who’s been waiting for Xtreme Beach Volleyball to finally come to the PS side.. and it has :p).

In more depressing news that I hate to talk about… My dad seems to be getting worse. I’m not sure but it may be partly because he’s passed on dialysis on both Monday & Friday this past week. That and his stress over recent events appear to be really screwing with his head. I found via online banking that my dad had been found yet again by those auto-billing scammers, taking money that wasn’t theirs out of his account. I refuted two transactions online for him and are now waiting for his new card to come in the mail so he can gain access to what little money he has left for the rest of the month. At least they won’t be able to bill him anymore for this cheap crap he bought.

The car’s brake continues to get worse and worse (not that I’d know, I haven’t been able to leave the apartment barely at all in weeks, since I’ve bought the usual media online the last two Tuesdays). And he needs to get access to his bank account to buy some gas. The tank is nearly empty. Plus his prepaid phone is nearly out of money, so he’s not picking up his phone or checking voicemails at all. :/

He has food stamps again but doesn’t how what to buy very well. He came home with a 12-pack of Mtn Dew Code Red today. I sure like Code Red, but my dad doesn’t. I also have to keep explaining things to him about his banking account, over and over, and he still doesn’t understand. A few hours later, I have to explain it all over again. Plus my dad thinks I don’t live here all the time.. and that someone else does. He made three plates for supper today and we stood in the kitchen for a while trying to explain that there only needed to be two.

All our other family members have taken off and abandoned us to live their own lives… and so I must take this on all on my own. I must watch alone as my dad slowly dies in front of me. I got into all this media (TV, DVDs, games) to get away from the depressing stuff. But the world insists I must suffer. And so I am, and will…

littlebigplanet 2 arrives! / dream

January 16, 2011

I was worried for months if I would get LittleBigPlanet 2 for free due to the very little amount of correspondence between me and the company that orchestrated Subway’s Fiery Footlong promotion. But on Friday, FedEx knocked at my door with two boxes containing two copies of LittleBigPlanet 2. And they came directly from the place that sends them to stores — “Sony Fulfillment”. I opened one, and once the excitement passed somewhat, I began to play.. and before I knew it, it was already 6PM. Wow.

Over the course of that time, I played through the first group of levels in story mode and played some community levels as well. I was hoping to find some of those LittleBigPlanet 2 beta levels I’ve been hearing about. But with all the old LBP1 levels being available here as well (with a “red tree” pin signifying just that), they were difficult to find. But I later found out that the beta levels aren’t available yet. Maybe by release they will be.. The five-star rating system has been replaced by a simpler Yay/Boo face system. :p There’s also a new “pin” system that helps you keep track of how far you are from achieving your next trophy. I think I’ve gotten ten or so trophies so far. Some of the time-based trophies are kinda funny — three trophies you can gain by simply playing the game before 9AM, after 9PM and every day of the week. :p

My LitttleBigPlanet also now has its own activity feed at With the website, you can also search for and queue community levels to make them easier to find once you pop in the game later. Cool stuff. 🙂

My dad says he’s has been feeling bad all weekend, and he said he almost went to the hospital once.. This (and other things he’s said in the past) led to me having a rather scary dream early on Sunday morning. In it, I was talking to my dad one evening and he seemed rather happy. He went outside. And moments later, a neighbor knocked on the door and told me something that I couldn’t believe — my dad had just committed suicide. I ran outside and found his lifeless body just laying there on the pavement. And soon after that, I awoke.


short dream, lots of links

January 12, 2011

I had another pretty cool dream.. where I screwed up everything, just like in real life. I think in a previous dream, I began seeing this very pretty asian girl around (she actually looked quite similar to Erika Fong, the new Power Rangers Samurai Pink Ranger now that I think about it) and I fought with myself to talk to her. And of course I didn’t.

But in this dream, she came to me. As I sat at my computer in my (much cleaner than real life) room, the girl would keep coming in an out.. just looking at something and leaving. But while she did, she slowly got closer and closer to me each time. Finally, she walked up right next to my desk. Then she was next to the doorway again when she asked.. “Why does someone as handsome as yourself not.. have an anniversary or something?”. Yeah, I didn’t understand that either. I said something short and lame as a reply (I was surprised I said anything at all), then I think she said something back. But as I stayed silent.. the dream soon ended and I woke up.

Damnit. Even in my dream, I suck. 😦 In just a few short weeks, I’ll officially be 28 years old.. and I’ll still be the same little kid inside my head who refuses to grow up.. while ignoring all depressing things with the help of my TV and all my DVDs & Blu-rays.

Speaking of which, I better get back to that.. See ya.

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[ Videos: Jared Lee Loughner’s Videos – Mind Control? ]
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[ Fluoride – ‘Forced Medication’ To Be Banned ]
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[ Video: Large Building Or Structure Found On Mars? ]
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pr samurai red ranger promo / today

January 10, 2011

Nickelodeon began airing two new Power Rangers Samurai promos on Saturday: profile promos for the Red & Pink Rangers. They’ve also begun eventually releasing these promos on iTunes (under the Nickelodeon Podcast). And I just stole borrowed the Red Ranger promo and put it up on YouTube. Check it below. Or you could always download the three promos released so far — here, here & here. But you’d know about them already if you followed me on twitter. :p

Jayden: “I Must Not Fail. I AM the Red Ranger.” Now it makes sense. Ricardo Medina Jr (Cole, PRWF) is in New Zealand to dispense acting lessons.. :p *considers becoming a bad guy just so Mia the new Pink Ranger will blow him away too* 😉

Oh hey, I’m back. I sorta disappeared there for a while. Oops. Anymore, I just make a list of events for each entry and then flesh them out into paragraphs. I got bored of that.. and took a few breaks. I’m sure not many of you missed me since I’ve been too lazy to add most of the usual news up at the top of them anyway. And the more important Power Rangers related bits were also relayed through my twitter account. But now, I’m going to try and make a new start.. that’ll probably just end up looking like the same old stuff in the end. Oh well. :p

I watched all of Power Rangers Jungle Fury last week, for the first time since broadcast. As with the first viewing, I found most of it.. not so good. Fran was great, as was the romantic hintings mostly left for the end of the season. The finale wasn’t as bad either. but overall, I’m glad to have over. I re-watched all of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Power Rangers in Space on the official German DVDs, then Power Rangers Lost Galaxy to Jungle Fury on data DVDs (yeah, encodes). Cannot wait to watch all of Power Rangers RPM again.. but I will. My complete 700-episode viewing should be done before the Power Rangers Samurai premiere though. 😉

I also watched the Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy back-to-back on Monday. Rather average times. Haha’s @ actually admitting to the quality in the scroll on the third installment. :p ..I also tried to take part in the huge beta-ending event for DC Universe Online.. and was overall disappointed. Even after creating a very scantily-clad female villain with huge cleavage. >:) Not going to pay $60 + $15/mo for this repetitive gameplay. Maybe when the disc is cheaper. I canceled my pre-order and looked into the PS3 release of Mass Effect 2 instead.. and was left somewhat disappointed by its playable demo. It’s just not the kind of gameplay I’m used to. I do like the sci-fi plot though and may wait for a cheaper price on it too. *shrug*

My dad continues to have these moments where he totally forgets things. And he’s still coughing a lot. But today, he went to the doctor and he was told he has small lesions around his lung and that they’ll have to be removed. The surgery should occur within 2 or 3 weeks. He also went to dialysis as planned today.. then got sick again and had to go to bed.

I awoke in the morning and got online like usual. The program I use to download 145 Days of Power Rangers stopped working so well there for a while, which was why I gave up on watching them the day they’re posted. I got too behind. And now I’m finding it difficult because.. well, they’re all episodes I’ve seen at least twice or more (including once pretty recently). :p I’m still downloading and uploading now though. The program is working great. I also downloaded House of Anubis from No channel logo bugs, full closing credits (on that first hour special anyway), but the episodes are segmented files in order to skip to commercials during viewing. That’s nice to know for any future Power Rangers videos on the site.

I watched the remaining ten episodes of Robot Chicken: Season 4 on DVD. Yup, I left it unwatched since I purchased it at release date.. and the new season started just last night. I watched the previous ten episodes yesterday, of course. My dad returned home from dialysis and we watched some morning TV.. before heading back out again to a doctor’s appointment. I soon checked out PlayStation Home (I was one of the lucky few who got into the Sodium 2 beta, very nice.. I’ve always liked WipEout HD but didn’t want to pay $15 for a PSN download).

My dad returned home, delivered the bad news, then eventually went to bed. I then wasted most of my afternoon watching the recent DCOM Avalon High on Netflix instant streaming. The movie was produced by Janine Dickins, who also produced Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior and some Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. Oh and Britt Robertson is hot in it, of course. :p ..I followed that with Episodes, Showtime’s new series.. that I downloaded. Good start, though I enjoyed the first episode of Shameless (US) last night more. And not just for the sex.. though it did help.

I got online.. to.. news-gather. I also eventually ordered some pizza for supper. Since we’re running out of food, my dad still doesn’t have his food stamps and has under $20 to his name right now. 😦 Oh, and and I’ve become too lazy to go to the grocery store I guess. I used an online coupon code to buy one large pizza and get one free, so now we ended up with a whole pizza of leftovers. lol. 🙂

In primetime, my dad didn’t seem to into watching TV, especially after discovering nothing new was on again. We watched most of Ellen from earlier today (oh c’mon, that ass has to be fake Nicki Minaj.. ugh), followed by last night’s Desperate Housewives (good episode, as usual). And when my dad decided to sleep, I watched last night’s Robot Chicken (AYCH DEE, whew…. ew.. still funny too though) and tonight’s new House of Anubis (a short recap instead a double commercial break would be nice.. but I’m still enjoying this show 🙂 ).

And not long after that, I returned to my room for the night. See ya..?

Sunday 01.02.2011

January 2, 2011

I awoke in the morning and got online, then eventually looked through the newspaper’s ads for Tuesday. And then I watched Bleach (yes, this “damsel in distress” plot is a bit more interesting than the last “damsel in distress” plot.. or the “damsel in distress” plot before that.. >_> ), Kekkaishi (good episode 🙂 ) and last night’s one-hour series premiere of House of Anubis (hot teenage girls in school uniforms.. plus an interesting continuing plotline? count me in! >:) liking this show so far..). And then I wasted some time in PlayStation Home (damnit, I’m weak.. went and bought that $5 virtual yacht.. trying to resist an additional $5 to unlock some more sea life around the boat, the sharks appear lonely.. and hungry..).

I gave the TV over to my dad for his football game and I got online for a little while. I got bored of that and headed back into the living room.. where I fell asleep.. I awoke a bit later and got online again, then we eventually had some supper. We watched some Funniest Videos, then my dad began looking sick again. He definitely wasn’t looking good.. With nothing to watch for the next hour, I watched tonight’s new hour of House Of Anubis (continues to keep me interested, haha.. but now we must wait until January 10th for it to begin a weekday run of new episodes 😦 ).

During that show, my dad went off to sleep early. I DVRed the night’s new show, then spent some more time in PlayStation Home on my boat (there’s a screen to view video content on, which was the main reason I bought it.. there’s a larger selection of videos than on my Hollywood Hills House screens, damnit Sony 😦 ). Eventually, I got back online for the night and that was about it.

See ya.

Saturday 01.01.2011 — 11100100100111011001

January 1, 2011

A new version of the latest Power Rangers Samurai promo has begun airing on Nicktoons of all places, finally revealing the official premiere date — Monday February 7th at 8PM ET! Makes sense when you think about it, with the episodes showing up on Nick On Demand the very next day and all. :p

I awoke in the morning and soon got online for a little while.. A little later, my dad wanted to go out and do some errands and I came along since I was bored. My dad went to Target to refill his phone with monies. I.. purchased the Target exclusive version of Batman: Under The Red Hood on Blu-ray. I.. had already purchased it on Amazon, but missed out of this exclusive version that most of my other DC Universe movies have.. due to my dad being away for that time. For some reason, I thought it would be a cinch to just hand in the exclusive-less version for a return. But it’s opened. On the other hand, the recent holidays may make them more lenient on returns, if I didn’t show the receipt..? Eh, I dunno..

I went over to the bank and took out the money for the cable bill this month, then we soon returned home. While my dad briefly left on more errands, I attempted to finally watch Red: Werewolf Hunter on the DVR. Felicia Day couldn’t save this. I gave up after about 30mins, then eventually deleted it.

My dad returned, then eventually had to go out again. And I came along. He went all the way downtown to drop off another bill payment.. and on the way back, the car ran out of gas yet again. Ugh. With the gas guage not being reliable at all anymore, I thought he would put some more gas in today. But of course he didn’t. The car rolled to a stop right next to a gas station, but the only gas can they offered was for $8. And on top of this predicament he got us into, he forgot to bring his newly-money-refilled phone and had to use my nearly-empty one instead to call on AAA. While waiting, my dad tried to start the car again.. and got it running. Did he turn right into the gas station just feet away? No. He went down the street trying to find another station.. and the car stalled again. He had to call up AAA again and tell them our new location,. Some people stopped and helped us into the turn-off lane.. then we waited for AAA to arrive.. while my dad continued to not understand things that I said and kept losing things in his own pockets. By 4PM, AAA finally got their with some gas. My dad then went way down the street.. and bought $40 of gas. I thought that was a bit too much, since for some reason his food stamps hadn’t come in again this morning. Ugh.

After that was finally over with, we headed to the grocery store as planned. Both of us didn’t really buy all that much though.. We returned home and found some syndicated reruns to watch, then we eventually had supper. Then in primetime, as my dad either slept for didn’t pay attention — I watched my first non-game Blockbuster Online selection — Youth In Revolt on Blu-ray. Haha. I really liked this movie. I already wants to buy it. Once it ended, I returned to my room for the night.

What an annoying start to 2011. And it wasn’t over. While I was online, I heard a crash from the living room. The cat had finally knocked the cable box off the top of the TV.. For a while, I had either chased him off of it or take him off due to his fur and vomit ruining the last box. But he managed to stay up there all night while I slept anyway. And my dad was too damn lazy to help me reinforce that he shouldn’t get up there. Tonight, my dad finally realized why he shouldn’t get up there. Cables were all bent on the back of the box and the box itself now sat lopsided due to the front of it coming partway off. Rather than continuing to try and keep off the damn thing, my dad opted to move it to safer ground instead of the slightly-slanted-topped TV. :/

Great start to 2011.. See ya.