pr music to bug / dcuo delay & beta / superman zack snyder / today

Bug Music has purchased the Saban Music Group library, including the music of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and beyond. Pleeease release some soundtracks, Bug.

The PlayStation 3 (and PC) MMORPG game DC Universe Online has now been delayed from its November 2nd release to early 2011. Ugh. But on the plus side, the press release has also revealed the game’s beta program release plans. Some with “priority basis” and have signed up for it on the website will be getting in as soon as next week, while others will be able to get in by November 30th in North America as long as you pre-order the game by November 15th.. Okay, I signed up on the website maybe in the first few days of it.. and now I’ve pre-ordered it on Amazon. I have no idea if that counts though, unfortunately. 😦

Zack Snyder has been hired to direct the new Superman movie. He’s best known in comic book circles as the director of Watchmen. This should be interesting, to say the least.. I’m really hoping the DC movie universe rumors I’ve been hearing are true — the upcoming Green Lantern and Superman films being put into the same universe as Batman Begins & The Dark Knight. I’ve really enjoyed the Marvel music universe s o far. 🙂

Awesome Scott Pilgrim custom Blu-ray case is awesome.

Before bed, I stayed up and downloaded / watched the day’s 145 Days of Power Rangers (the episode switches over at about 2AM ET).. The next morning, I awoke to my dad not going to dialysis yet again. He usually passes on going on days he has other hospital-related things happening. I woke him up and he didn’t really move around too much after that. He called the dialysis place and upon them telling him that he still needed to go to dialysis today.. he did. I got online for a little while, then eventually watched some morning TV. I fell asleep.

I awoke a few hours later. My dad had returned from dialysis and was watching some TV. I got online for a while, then took over the TV after the news. I watched House (wow, good episode).. then my dad left for his surgery near the end. I checked out PlayStation Home for a bit, then watched Todd Margret (haha, not bad), Childrens Hospital (lol) and Hellcats (good episode.. a couple more scenes from Power Rangers Dino Thunder‘s Emma Lahana, including a cheerleading practice near the start.. yay’s @ Aly singing, good song choice too.. she was in Aly & AJ remember?).

My dad returned home earlier than expected. The doctor didn’t do the surgery. Instead of unblocking the thing in my dad’s arm, they want to put another one in the other arm. Needless to say, my dad didn’t like that idea.. I watched two episodes of East Bound & Down (eh, not bad.. wish we could have gotten more of that.. little person though, lol, he was cool) before playing some more hours of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (I got wrapped up in the game and finally made it past where I was stuck.. and played two more levels up to like almost 7:30.. wow).

We had some TV dinners for supper (eh, this one wasn’t too bed I guess..), then I got online to news-gather.. In primetime, we watched How I Met Your Mother (lol, especially good episode this week), Rules of Engagement (lol @ the completely impossible events in that office — knocked over computer = FIRE! Oh noes! :p), Two & A Half Men (lol), Mike & Molly (haha, grew on me a slight bit this week) and Hawaii Five-O. Well, I left it on and went elsewhere and my dad changed it to something I was downloading later, so I ran back in stopped that. I watched The Event and he fell asleep almost immediately. Good episode this week. There wasn’t so much of the confusing jumping around in time this time and so it was more interesting.

My dad appears to get worse in the head every time he stays away from dialysis for too long. It’s happened maybe three three or four times now. Tonight, we had a small argument about what day of the week it was. And after months of talk, he plans to take all his money out of his bank and move to another.. just a day after writing a check for the rent. Oh boy… See ya.


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