grindhouse dvd / tv news / today

Grindhouse star Kurt Russell let it slip in a recent interview that Grindhouse‘s two films, Planet Terror & Death Proof, will be released separately onto DVD later this year. Then what will happen to the fake trailers in between? 😦 I think it would be smarter to release them individually and together with more special features, sort of like what other films have done lately..

Looks like The Black Donnellys may just be joining the “brilliant but canceled” list already. The Real Wedding Crashers will be taking over its timeslot on April 23rd at 10PM ET, after Heroes returns for its last series of new episodes this season. *sigh* I’ve been really enjoying that show too.. Meanwhile, CBS has issued a press release detailing their upcoming season finales. Beware the major spoilers though. Really. Some big stuff is revealed here..

I awoke early in the morning, then got online and finished the previous entry. Oops. I also listened to Now 24. *skips half the songs because he doesn’t like them* I bet they really got a kick out of themselves by putting “It’s Not Over” & “It Ends Tonight” at the end of the CD. :p ..I watched some X Play & Beakman’s World from the DVR in between bouts of sleep. Then I played GTA VCS. I mostly did the impound thing again. And discovered a fire helicopter at the fire station. Neat. But my dad returned home and made lunch, so I shut it off..

We were ready to watch Passions and actually watched the opening. Then my dad went out to the mailbox and didn’t come back until after it was over. So I played more GTA VCS. This time, I completed the impound thing. All 32 vehicles (of land, air & sea) collected = free pay n spray. Yay. Then I actually did a few more story missions. The stats say I’m only 29.2% done. :p I rampaged and managed to reach six stars. Wow.. My dad took a nap and woke up at 5PM. I shut off the PS2 and soon got online to news-gather. We had supper, then I finished up online close to 7:30..

At 8PM, we watched Prison Break (wow.. wtf @ the ending.. so now it’s some kind of mysterious “Company” test for him to break out of another prison next season? O_o), 24 (eh I found it hard to pay attention, but I’ll see them all again on DVD anyway.. next week looks good) and Passions (and again, nothing happens.. *build up* *nothing happens* for like a hundred times before something actually does happen). Then I returned to my room.

I returned at 12:30AM to watch the new episode of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive — 1707: “At All Cost”. Eh, it was alright. I guess. I enjoyed the bit between Dax and “Mr Hartford” about him being old. And at least Red Ranger didn’t completely steal the Yellow Ranger’s episode. This episode was about Moltor getting a hold of a powerful dragon scale that was said to come from a dragon in Briarwood named Fire Heart. Even though it didn’t particularly look like it came from him. :p Ugh @ the role call. Hearing “Call To Adventure! *enter color here* Ranger!” five times is just a waste of time. Plus, the audio was screwed up for just the episode (not the commercials), so that surely didn’t help my enjoyment. *shrug*

See ya.

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