pris dvd defects / today

RangerBoard member Pepper now reports on some of the defects present on the German Power Rangers in Space: The Complete Season DVD set released last week… “Episodes 6 and 15 (or 14? I have to check again) end after the ‘Next time on …’, the end credits are not shown. They are on the disc and are shown if the ‘play all’ feature is used, just not when the individual episodes are chosen from the episode selection. It’s kinda annoying, but I can live with it. Episode 40 has ‘additional footage’, after the ‘next time on’ the second half of the episode is played again and only then the end credits are shown, but you can just skip it, so it’s no big deal.” At least there’s technically nothing missing. I like me some end credit bloopers, so I’ll have to use the “Play All” feature tomorrow then and just skip to the episodes I’m watching.. There’s a nice touch on the “Episode Selection” menu’s audio. It’s the theme song sounding as if transmitted over radio, with interruptions by some voices or something. Heh.

I awoke in the morning.. and looked around for my glasses for a while. I think I fall asleep at the computer.. then I wake up in bed with no memory of ever moving. It’s happened a couple times recently. One of them was last night. I searched all over, then found them in my room. :p I finished the previous entry.. then realized that my dad was home rather than at dialysis. I guess they took his call on Wednesday about not going because he’s looking for a job as something more permanent than he intended.

They screwed up, so I got screwed up. I had intended this time to watch a bunch of stuff and get it off the DVR while he was gone. I took over the TV anyway and watched South Park (lol), but he seemed angry about it.. so once it was over I returned to my room and got online instead. A bit later, he said he was returning to bed.. so then I watched Simpsons (lol) and Greek (good episode).

But then my dad woke up again and we sorta watched Reno 911 (lol.. hm, better than last episode), In The Motherhood (ugh, maybe I’ll just.. forget to DVR this next week.. maybe) and Samantha Who (hahaha). I was probably going to watch more… but then the mail came with my PRiS DVD. It was shipped Saturday. Not bad for standard shipping. A MMPR set took three weeks though. Dunno what that was about..

Anyway, I watched the two-part finale of Power Rangers Turbo (as a refresher.. *cringes, forgetting about the slightly desynced English audio during the opening segment of Chase Into Space Part 1*) followed by the first four episodes of Power Rangers in Space (awesome.. there seemed to be a couple quick cuts in “Shell Shocked”.. those were probably in the regular episode though, right? ..also, Ashley only calls them “Teenage Mutant Turtles” during their intro, removing the word “Ninja” :/ ). After that, I wasted some time in PlayStation Home.. A bit too much. I forgot about checking out the free demos I had downloaded, then ran out of time to check them out. Damn. 😦

We had some supper, then I got online to news-gather.. In primetime, I opted to watch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (last week’s episode and particularly this season finale have been great.. please bring it back for season 3, especially after this ending.. wow), Dollhouse (another great episode.. pick this one up too plz.. damn you, Prison Break.. didn’t know it was going to be two hours next Friday) and Howie Do It (hahaha.. my dad thinks this is more funny than Soup.. so here it is… *yawn*). Then I returned to my room for the night and then slit my wrists.

See ya!

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